Thursday, September 18, 2008

Toddler games

Atticus loves making up games. Yesterday Atticus played "Two Mittens and a letter". Rules involve wearing a pair of mittens, balancing a letter magnet on one of the mittens, and walking around the house in circles repeating the name of the game. Here he is in the middle of saying "Two mittens and an H, two mittens and an H,..."

Monday, September 15, 2008

Neat freak

Atticus likes to tear up the house, just like any other toddler. To his parents' delight, though, he also likes to clean up. We recently got a new shelving system where Atticus can organize and put away all his toys. He also takes the broom away from you if you are sweeping and has to do it himself.

But he went a little overboard the other day when he tried to mop the front walk while it was raining.

Silly boy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Daniel added some pretty cool features to the website, so go check them out.

Also, there are videos up on the site too, in case you didn't notice. I hope to get some new ones up there soon too.