Atticus joined mom, Grandpa Jim and Grandma Joan on a road trip to Wisconsin in July. We were all amazed how well Atticus did in the car, with little crying and whining involved. He loved exploring Aunt Jill and Uncle John's house, got to re-meet lots of other family, experienced a small-town 4th of July, and ate lots of good food (thanks, Uncle John!). For over a month after returning home he kept asking to go back. I hope it's not too long before we can make it back.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Way behind!
Crazy how pregnancy and a two year old can make you so busy. I am finally getting around to going through photos from the last 6 months or so. Lots to come.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
After a six month+ obsession with trains, we decided it was about time that Atticus got to ride a real one. Yesterday the three of us went up and rode the Georgetown Loop. The steam train was being fixed so we got stuck with a diesel, but Atticus didn't even care. Nothing could have ruined this day for him. He was all smiles the whole way.
Lots more photos on the website.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
We're just getting out of monsoon season in Colorado. Atticus very much liked puddles everywhere for weeks on end.
Monday, June 1, 2009
I blame the heat.
It has been brought to my attention (hi, Dad!) that I keep forgetting to post photos lately. Sorry about that.
Summer is creeping in here in Colorado. Since Atticus unfortunately can't shed his shaggy winter hair as easily as Esther can, I chopped it all off last week while he was sleeping. It still could be shorter for this heat-sensitive boy.More photos to come soon, I promise.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Other distractions
Along with the drums, the other toy this week that has been a good distraction while quarantined is this Curious George tea set. Atticus has been making tea and snacks for anyone who will sit long enough to play.
And a bit of hindsight wisdom for anyone who may be in these shoes in the future: when running out and picking up a video for a sick kid, make sure it's either longer than 30 minutes or tolerable to be viewed 5 times a day. I learned that the hard way.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Uncle Justin got a kid's drum set for Atticus at a garage sale last weekend. It's a huge hit! We've been stuck home with the chicken pox for the last week, so this was about the best distraction we could have hoped for.
Atticus still has yet to believe us the these should not be played before 9 in the morning, though. He's start at 6 if he had his way.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Snow day
Winter finally hit here this week, three months late. Better late than never, I suppose. Atticus very much enjoyed his snow pants and eating snow wherever he could find it.
Sliding into large piles also proved to be exciting.Too bad that this glimpse of winter was so short.
Monday, March 16, 2009
More drumming
Daniel and Atticus found a bunch of old drumsticks in a box while cleaning this weekend. We assume these were left over from when Uncle Mike had the drum set*, as they are pretty much Uncle Mike-hand sized. Atticus was excited to get a few new sets of sticks, especially when he realized that an overturned kid sized swimming pool makes a great drum.
*which started out as an Uncle Chuck drum set, what, 23 or 24 years ago??
We also managed to get this shot for a things-in-front-of-Atticus'-face size comparison to show you just how much he's grown in the last seven months.
The best part of living with a two year old is the emerging imagination. We love finding interesting things around the house, such as the set up below.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Train set
Atticus had a pretty fun Christmas this year. His favorite present by far was the super-huge train set. He loved playing with these types whenever he would see them at other people's houses, so it was fun to get him one of his own.
We can't even tell you how obsessed with this he is. Ok, here is an example. Many nights, while falling asleep, he'll start to whine about wanting the train and then will say "stop siiiiiiignnnns!" He insists on sleeping with a piece of his set in his hand.Funny kid.