Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The summer before last, our garden suffered while I was in the first trimester of pregnancy and was too tired to work outside for more than ten minutes at a time. Last year my windows of outdoor time were about the same, as Atticus wouldn't be content playing by himself for very long while I tried to do things in the garden.

This year I think (I hope) will be different. Atticus loves to be outside and has plenty to explore around our yard. He goes nuts for anything to do with water, so I think I can get plenty of gardening time with a kiddie pool set up or maybe even a very slowly dripping hose. Atticus even has a "garden" of his own this year. Ok, really it's just an empty bed for him to dig in, but that alone is a lot of fun for him.

Already we have strawberries growing, as well as tons of stuff sprouting and blossoming. I can't wait to be able to go outside and pick my lunch!

1 comment:

Hallie said...

Woohoo! It's getting pretty warm out too (when it's not raining). I think bbqs while laying in the grass season has come.