Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fashionable hair

Atticus has never been one for hair care. He despises having his hair brushed and barely tolerates having it washed. This makes for some interesting hair days, as we tend to just let nature take its course.

Yesterday Atticus' hair looked just about average for him, meaning the front was slicked down with whatever he put in it at breakfast (I think yesterday it was butter) and the back was a frizzed mess of bedhead. We were walking by a bar down the street and two men were standing outside. These two buff, well dressed men looked like they stepped right out of a magazine ad. They both said hi to Atticus and chuckled as he walked by. I heard one say to the other that this little boy had the same hair style that he'd seen people get at salons.

Cool without even trying. Way to go, Atticus.

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